
LocatorAPI PoI entity with distance in meters from the point.



userId (ID!)

Primary key of the User associated with the PoI.

createdAt (ISO8601DateTime!)

Create DateTime.

distance (Float!)

Distance in meters from the point.

id (ID!)

Identifies the primary key from the database.

latitude (Float!)

Latitude of the PoI location.

location (GeoPoint!)

Object representing the PoI location.

longitude (Float!)

Longitude of the PoI location.

metadata (JSON!)

The metadata of the PoI.

name (String!)

The name of the PoI.

openings (JSON!)

The openings of the PoI.

uniqId (String!)

User defined PoI identifier.

updatedAt (ISO8601DateTime!)

Update DateTime.

address (JSON!)

The address of the PoI.